Vinyl, Mountains, Bears and Baby Ben

The B Family | In Home Newborn, San Marcos

Soaking in quality family time and newborn snuggles with baby Ben as the rain poured in Southern California. In-home rainy day sessions like this are pure magic with that irreplaceable. The soft light that simply pierces through the windows is the best (and especially with a snuggly baby bundled up in his favorite cuddly bear onesie!) And, it gets even better. To top it off, this family busted out their vinyl collection and filled their home with groovy relaxing tunes as they took in this special time.

I first met Luke over a year ago while photographing an epic four-day music trade show outside of Los Angeles, The NAMM Show. He works for the company full time as a graphic designer in the marketing department. The creativity doesn’t stop there, he even painted the massive tree painting in baby Ben’s nursery. Congrats to you and your beautiful family!